Interfront 2024 Annual Report
A B C E HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Challenges • The dispersal of Interfront’s employees across three provinces, a consequence of the company’s growth and associated changes, presents a challenge. Previously, all employees were concentrated in the Western Cape, so this new geographical spread requires ongoing concentrated efforts to engage employees in a manner that promotes their participation in and connection to the organisation. • Change processes need to be managed continuously to secure general acceptance and buy-in of Interfront’s organisational culture. • While Interfront achieved a record-low staff turnover rate in the reviewed year, we recognise the challenges posed by the scarcity of skilled professionals in our particular field of technology. Addressing this issue and maintaining our low turnover rate requires constant management and attention. It is crucial that we continually implement mitigating strategies to ensure that Interfront remains optimally resourced to fulfil its mandate and accomplish its strategic objectives. Future HR Plans and Goals • In the years to come, Interfront will focus on positioning itself as an employer of choice within the industry. This strategic objective entails fostering a workplace environment that attracts and retains top talent, cultivates employee satisfaction, and promotes professional growth and development. • Efforts will persist to enhance employee retention strategies while further refining the recruitment process to ensure that Interfront remains adequately staffed with highly qualified individuals. • Interfront must continually develop and implement strategies aimed at enhancing organisational effectiveness, facilitating continuous change management, and fostering leadership development initiatives. • The company will collaboratively address issues identified in Employee Engagement Surveys, and in that way work towards resolving concerns and improving overall employee satisfaction and engagement levels. • There will be a sustained focus on reviewing and refining human capital policies and processes to ensure that they remain relevant, effective and aligned with the evolving needs and objectives of Interfront.
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