Interfront 2024 Annual Report
INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Interfront Executive Committee (EXCO) In the 2022/2023 financial year, the executive team expanded to seven members with the addition of the Executive: Tax Solutions and Executive: Business Development and Innovation. As a result, the Interfront Executive Committee (EXCO) now consists of the Operations Director, the Financial/Acting Managing Director, the Executive: Talent, the Executive: Relationship Manager, the Company Secretary and Manager of Corporate Services, the Executive: Business Development and Innovation, and the Executive: Tax Solutions. The Terms of Reference for EXCO outline its scope and responsibilities, mandating monthly meetings to ensure effective governance and operational oversight. EXCO is tasked with implementing Interfront’s strategy and Annual Performance Plan, making critical business decisions, and overseeing daily management activities. To complement Interfront’s hybrid working model, EXCO also holds two weekly check-in meetings to ensure alignment and address any urgent matters. A register system is used to record any memos or proposals requiring EXCO’s attention and approval during these sessions. Additionally, EXCO is responsible for drafting company-wide policies and procedures, ensuring the financial viability of the organisation, and addressing operational issues that require attention. This structured approach enables Interfront to maintain a cohesive and strategic focus on achieving its objectives while ensuring robust governance and efficient management practices. The expansion and enhanced structure of the executive team reflect Interfront’s commitment to fostering innovation, strategic growth and operational excellence. EXCO Meeting Attendance NAME TITLE NUMBER OF MEETINGS ATTENDED Leilanie Janse van Rensburg Financial/Acting Managing Director 12/12 John Robertson Operations Director 12/12 Samuel Mtsweni Executive: Relationship Manager 11/12 Nombulelo Mohoto Executive: Talent 11/12 Madelein Pepperell Company Secretary and Manager: Corporate Services 12/12 Warren Barratt Executive: Business Development and Innovation 12/12 Danie de Kock Executive: Tax Solutions 12/12
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