Interfront 2024 Annual Report

INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Programme Performance Information PROGRAMME 1 QUALITY AND INNOVATIVE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1: Develop and Enhance iCBS Channels to Support SARS CMP The Customs Modernisation Programme 2024 (CMP) will be implemented in phases. The phases are associated with software development projects in Interfront. These projects are delivered in agreed deliverables as per the Work Orders. The target has been achieved on six occasions and partly achieved once since the 2017/2018 financial year. SUB-PROGRAMME 1.2: Develop and Enhance SARS eFiling and MobiApp Platforms The eFiling and MobiApp platforms are continuously updated and enhanced due to legislative and business requirements. The platform updates are associated with software development projects in Interfront. These projects are delivered in agreed deliverables as per the Work Orders. This target has been introduced in the 2022/2023 financial year and have been achieved in both the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 financial years. SUB-PROGRAMME 1.3: Develop and enhance SARS e@syFile platforms Interfront is a key development partner to SARS to implement the updates and enhancements as per the legislative and business requirements. The existing e@syFile platforms will be expanded and modified to meet the objectives of SARS. These projects are delivered in agreed deliverables as per the Work Orders. This is a new target from the 2023/2024 financial year and has successfully been achieved. SUB-PROGRAMME 1.4: Provide Effective Software Support Services to SARS on the Customs, eFiling, MobiApp as well as the e@syFile Platforms Service levels to SARS are measured against agreed contractual levels. The measure is determined by meeting the service levels for each month as contained in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The results are communicated to SARS in a monthly SLA report. The Annual Performance Plan target in respect of SARS customs support have been achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. The target for Support services on the eFiling and MobiApp Platforms was introduced in the 2022/2023 financial year but was not achieved. However, this year, the target has been successfully achieved. Support services on the e@syFile Platform were introduced as a new target in the 2023/2024 financial year and has successfully been achieved. Sub-programme 1.5: Provide Effective Support Services to ADA A Services Agreement has been established with ADA (Luxembourg), with expected interactions and service levels detailed in this agreement. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved on five occasions and partly achieved twice since the 2017/2018 financial year.