Interfront 2024 Annual Report

INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Service Delivery Environment Interfront is committed to an excellent service delivery environment, as evident in our performance reporting. Interfront excels in designing and delivering innovative software solutions, demonstrating a remarkable proficiency in both back-end and front-end development, alongside the creation of web and mobile applications. Interfront brings deep expertise to the customs and tax environments, in which it has more than 20 years of experience, ensuring that its software solutions are tailored to meet the unique challenges of these sectors. With a strong emphasis on software engineering discipline, Interfront guarantees the production of stable and reliable software. Interfront’s core strength lies in our ability to transform complex ideas into elegant, functional and efficient software solutions, helping businesses thrive in a dynamic and highly regulated landscape. Interfront is not only dedicated to providing effective software solutions for its clients, but also aims to empower them to serve their customers better, extending the value of our services beyond the immediate project. Interfront’s versatile and transferable knowledge allows it to create solutions that benefit both our clients and their end customers, resulting in long-lasting success. Furthermore, the core principles and expertise gained in these specialised environments can be easily adapted and leveraged in other government sectors and industries. While SARS assumes the overarching leadership role in the development and maintenance of operational systems, wielding full responsibility for delineating software requisites and directives, Interfront serves as a pivotal partner. Leveraging our profound understanding of customs and tax landscapes, we contribute to the formulation of business specifications. Work allocations are defined through mutually agreed work orders in order to uphold robust governance standards for both entities. Furthermore, Interfront has expanded its role to furnish SARS with first- and second-line support, exceeding our original contractual obligations as a value-added endeavour. Recognising the growing reliance on this service, Interfront collaborates closely with SARS to integrate these facilities into the support scope. The overall pressure on the fiscus has an indirect impact on Interfront, since its main customer at present – its Shareholder, SARS – receives 100% of its funding from the government. The performance measures decided on by Interfront are those under its control, which will, over time, result in the achievement of success for Interfront as a whole.