Interfront 2024 Annual Report

INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Central to Interfront’s ongoing success as a software development and support entity is its steadfast commitment to investing in its personnel, recognising them as the organisation’s most valuable asset.” Auditor-General’s Report: Predetermined Objectives The Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) performs the necessary audit procedures on the performance information to provide reasonable assurance in the form of an audit conclusion. The audit conclusion on the performance against predetermined objectives is included in the Report to Management, with material findings being reported under the Predetermined Objectives (clause 15) heading in the section of the AGSA’s report dealing with other legal and regulatory requirements. The Report of the AGSA is included in  Part E: Financial Information . Overview The company’s expansion since the preceding financial year resulted in a notable 78% augmentation in staff count and an impressive 99% surge in revenue. This growth, primarily driven by software development and support services, significantly influencedtheoperational terrain.Consequently, several new performance objectives were introduced to ensure sustained support and timely development of the newly acquired systems, thereby upholding our reputation as a provider of high-quality services. The seamless integration of the eFiling team in the previous year was facilitated by various factors, notably the transfer of key personnel, including management, responsible for these systems. Although certain disparities between Interfront’s service level agreement (SLA) and the previous SLA necessitated resolution, these were subsequently addressed, resulting in the successful achievement of previously unmet targets. Meanwhile, the e@syFile project, albeit smaller in scale, presented considerable challenges, requiring additional resources to effectively meet customer expectations. Despite these challenges, Interfront is pleased to announce the achievement of support and development targets in both new environments.