Interfront 2024 Annual Report

B C D E A GENERAL INFORMATION Overall, Interfront has directed its strategic efforts towards capitalising on its established strengths while ensuring the stability of newly integrated systems within its updated environment. This approach aims to strengthen Interfront’s current standing and establish a robust groundwork for sustainable growth and innovation in the future. These significant changes over the past two years further necessitated a re-evaluation of Interfront’s guiding strategy. During the year under review, Interfront developed a new five- year strategic plan, consolidated into five main objectives. These objectives were thoughtfully formulated to respond to the changing requirements of our stakeholders, promote sustainability and foster innovation across all facets of our organisation. They encapsulate our steadfast commitment to ongoing innovation and client-centricity, our endeavours to explore new markets, our emphasis on modernisation and employee empowerment, and our unwavering dedication to efficient resource management. Collectively, these objectives will chart Interfront’s course towards a future characterised by adaptability, growth, innovation and responsible governance. They are: NAVIGATING AND EMBRACING RAPID INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EVOLUTION CONTINUAL INNOVATION AND CLIENT-CENTRICITY EXPANSION RESPONSIBLE RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP BECOME AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE These five overarching goals are supported by various strategic performance indicators which will be detailed in our annual performance plan. The substantial transformationswitnessedby Interfront in thepast financial year haveprompted a re-evaluation of its structure in line with Interfront’s internal development methodology. This methodology combines elements of the Waterfall and Agile methodologies, strategically employed to achieve our organisational objectives effectively.