Interfront 2023 Annual Report

53 GOVERNANCE PART Ethics Compliance with Laws and Regulations Ensuring adherence to relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Companies Act, PFMA, Treasury Regulations, procurement guidelines and instructions, and King Reports, is of the utmost significance and subject to regular evaluation. Fraud and Corruption Interfront has a Fraud Prevention Policy in place, in conjunction with the Fraud Prevention Strategy. These provide for, inter alia , the detection and investigation of corruption, maladministration and fraud. An independent service provider was appointed to set up a dedicated email address and telephone number for any whistle-blowing activities relating to Interfront. The email address and telephone number are monitored by the service provider in order to assure whistle- blowers of the protection of anonymity. The service provider reports to Interfront monthly on information received, if any. To date, no incidents have been reported. Conflicts of Interest All Interfront employees are required to declare annually any private outside interest which may interfere with or have the potential to interfere with their ability to discharge their duties honestly and openly. The employees’ declarations extend to the interests of their partners, spouses and dependent children and are reviewed to determine if a possible conflict exists. In such an instance, the conflict is reported to EXCO and the employee is engaged to explain the circumstances and to determine any corrective action.