Interfront 2023 Annual Report

38 INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: Provide Effective Software Support Services to SARS OUTCOME OUTPUT OUTPUT INDICATOR AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2020/2021 AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2021/2022 Provide effective software support services to SARS on the customs platform Annually meet SARS service levels as per the Support Agreement Monthly Service Level Agreement (SLA) Reports ACHIEVED SLA Reports show that service levels are met ACHIEVED SLA Reports show that service levels are met Provide effective software support services to SARS on the eFiling and MobiApp platforms Annually meet SARS service levels as per the Support Agreement Monthly SLA Reports N/A New measure as from the 2022/2023 financial year OUTCOME OUTPUT OUTPUT INDICATOR AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2020/2021 AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2021/2022 Provide effective software support services for ADA Deliver fixes and enhancements releases: IETA (2 releases) ICS (2 releases). Deliver KELs solutions before EU required dates Delivery Reports ACHIEVED Delivery of fixes and enhancements releases: IETA (2 releases) ICS (2 releases) ACHIEVED Delivery of fixes and enhancements releases: IETA (2 releases) ICS (2 releases). No KELs released by the EU during this period The delivery of fixes and enhancement releases are contained in the Delivery reports listed below: IETA v2.1.67 released to ADA on 02 June 2022 IETA v2.1.69 released to ADA on 16 August 2022 IETA v2.1.71 (Configuration additions) released to ADA on 28 November 2022 IETA 2.1.73 released to ADA on 30 March 2023 PROGRAMME   Establish a Broader Customer Base OUTCOME OUTPUT OUTPUT INDICATOR Expand the footprint and services of Interfront within SARS to assist in realising SARS Vision 2024. Explore other opportunities, using SARS as a strategic reference Position the Interfront brand as a key solutions provider in customs and border management, as well as taxation within SARS, and solidify the relationship with our customer. Tender for services in other government departments, using SARS as a strategic reference Quarterly Engagement Reports PROGRAMME   Demonstrate Effective Resource Stewardship OUTCOME OUTPUT OUTPUT INDICATOR AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2020/2021 AUDITED ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 2021/2022 Establish and support effective governance Achieve clean Audit Report Report from the AGSA ACHIEVED Unqualified and clean Audit Opinion for the 2019/2020 financial year ACHIEVED Unqualified and clean Audit Opinion for the 2020/2021 financial year Refer to  Part E: Financial Information