Interfront 2023 Annual Report

30 INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 PROGRAMME   Demonstrate Effective Resource Stewardship IMPACT STATEMENT In line with Interfront’s and our Shareholder’s commitment to maintain and promote good governance, this measure seeks to monitor Interfront’s compliance with all statutory requirements. A clean audit opinion from the AGSA is required. PROGRAMME   Grow and Maintain a Software Development Centre of Excellence IMPACT STATEMENT Retention of Management Team and Staff The successful management and retention of Interfront’s human capital is critical to the success of Interfront. In implementing its strategy, Interfront recognises that there are various risks associated with its business, key among which is the loss of staff. To meet this challenge, Interfront’s annual staff turnover target is 14% or less. Maintain and Develop a Skilled, Diverse and Engaged Workforce To meet customers’ demands and achieve the target set out in Interfront’s Strategic Plan, Interfront needs to maintain its current resources and expand where necessary, which includes maintaining the staff complement at 150. Grow a Centre of Excellence Interfront is looking to recruit graduates/‌bursars who have successfully completed, or are in the process of completing, a course of study or training that will provide Interfront with the potential to develop and mould them into Interfront-specific employees. The number of bursars/‌graduates is determined in Interfront’s Annual Performance Plan.