Interfront 2023 Annual Report

17 GENERAL INFORMATION PART KEY ACTIVITIES • Develop customs and border management solutions. • Develop and enhance SARS eFiling and MobiApp platforms. • Provide effective software support services to SARS on the customs, eFiling and MobiApp platforms. • Provide effective software support services to ADA. • Establish a broader customer base. • Demonstrate effective resource stewardship by establishing and supporting effective governance and thus achieving a clean audit opinion. • Grow and maintain a Software Development Centre of Excellence by retaining the management team and staff, and by expanding/‌maintaining the staff complement to ensure that Interfront is optimally resourced. VALUE PROPOSITION • CUSTOMISED DEVELOPMENT – providing strong IT development capacity as the preferred supplier to SARS for the modernisation of its IT solutions. • SKILLS DEVELOPMENT – growing Interfront as a Centre of Excellence in developing IT skills to contribute to empowerment within Interfront, SARS and the wider public sector. • MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT – providing ongoing maintenance and support to implemented systems. • COST REDUCTION – modernising legacy software to reduce the risk and cost associated with maintaining outdated software. • SUPPORTING AND FACILITATING SARS MANDATE – collecting all revenue due, ensuring optimal compliance with tax and customs legislation, and providing a customs service to optimise revenue, border protection and the facilitation of legitimate trade. SIGNIFICANT CUSTOMER RELATIONS • A Master Services Agreement (MSA) is in place, with SARS providing the legal framework for the conclusion of work orders under which the development services are provided. • The Maintenance and Support Schedule is reviewed and agreed upon annually with SARS. • A Services Agreement is in place with ADA for regulating the support and maintenance of the system in operation. KEY PARTNERS • EXTERNAL AND CONTRACTED RESOURCES: provide Interfront with development capacity at peak delivery times. • SUPPLIERS: provide the requisite IT infrastructure and software licences, as well as equipment and facilities.