Interfront 2023 Annual Report

8 INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Overview by the Acting Managing Director I am delighted to present our noteworthy accomplishments of the past financial year, the challenges we have faced and our plans for the future. Over the past year, Interfront has continued to strengthen its position as a leading technology partner, providing innovative solutions to our customers and supporting their objectives. We have made significant progress in expanding our capabilities through the acquisition of the eFiling and e@syFile teams, both of which have brought valuable expertise and skills to our organisation. The integration of these teams has not only enhanced our service offerings, but also positioned us at the forefront of supporting our primary customer, the South African Revenue Service (SARS). In line with our strategic direction, we have established four strategic outcome-oriented goals for the period 2022/2023–2026/2027. These goals are: providing quality and innovative software development and support, establishing a broader customer base, demonstrating effective resource stewardship, and maintaining and growing a Software Development Centre of Excellence. Each goal is supported by specific activities and performance indicators that align with our long-term objectives. More detail can be found in  Part B: Performance Report  of this report. Throughout the past year, we have achieved some significant operational highlights. Our operational support to SARS has been effective, with numerous releases and extensive incident handling. We have successfully integrated the eFiling team into Interfront, deployed upgraded systems and technologies, and completed various projects that contribute to the improvement of our services and support to our customers. OVER THE PAST YEAR, INTERFRONT HAS CONTINUED TO STRENGTHEN ITS POSITION AS A LEADING TECHNOLOGY PARTNER, PROVIDING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND SUPPORTING THEIR OBJECTIVES.”