Interfront Annual Report 2022
62 PART D:HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 3. WORKFORCE PLANNING Interfront’s Organogram is regularly reviewed and amended, as the demand for resources increases and changes. Due to financial constraints, the Organogram is carefully managed and focused on resources for the Operations Department, which forms the engine room of Interfront’s operations. As a result of the introduction of the Tax team in April 2022, the company structure will be expanded and the management structure will be revised to accommodate the new environment. 4. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Interfront strives to create a high-performance culture. Our performance management process includes formal agreements with our staff for each financial year and two performance reviews, including a mid-year and final evaluation. In the year under review, performance bonuses, as well as salary increases have been linked to performance, and it is expected that this will become the norm in terms of future incentives for high performers. 5. ACHIEVEMENTS In April 2021, eight graduate interns at entry level were appointed to junior positions, and five graduate interns were promoted to their second year of the internship program. A total of five new students were appointed to year one in February 2022. In light of the high unemployment rate in our country, Interfront as a small company of fewer than 150 employees is proud to offer a graduate programme where young, inexperienced individuals are nurtured, developed, gain experience and enter the workforce. The Interfront Graduate Programme has been able to accommodate 52 graduates since its inception. 6. CHALLENGES Interfront’s number one risk is the loss of staff, which has been accentuated in recent months due to the following factors: • Scarce skills as a result of the industry in which Interfront operates. • The IT industry salary standards are increasing faster than anticipated. • The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up the employment market and made resources much more mobile, to the extent that they can work for companies overseas while living in South Africa. • Below-market increases in the previous financial year due to pressure on the fiscus. • Limited opportunities for growth after a certain level due to Interfront’s size. The staff losses experienced result in additional workload assigned to team members who remain. This can affect their morale and workplace engagement, and lead to exhaustion and burnout if not addressed.
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