Interfront Annual Report 2022

PART C: GOVERNANCE 59 As a subsidiary of SARS, Interfront formed part of the SARS B-BBEE verification process and shares in the status of a Non-Compliant Contributor. Interfront is currently pursuing and working with a service provider to obtain its own certification based on the company information. 14. B-BBEE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 13. AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT (CONT.) General Remarks (continued) Nonetheless, management’s attention is drawn relating to the performance management as misstatements were identified by the AGSA indicating that planned targets were not all accurately reported in the annual performance report. Conclusion The Committee has reviewed the AGSA’s management and audit reports for the financial year ended 31 March 2022 and concurs with their conclusions. The Committee, therefore, accepts the audit opinion and conclusion expressed by the AGSA on the Annual Financial Statements, Annual Performance Report, and Annual Report. Signed on behalf of the Audit and Risk Committee by: Ms Doris Dondur Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee Date: 18 August 2022