Interfront Annual Report 2022
INTERFRONT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 5 1. Corporate Information 9 2. Foreword by the Chairperson 10 3. Overview by the Acting Managing Director 12 4. Statement of Responsibility and Confirmation of Accuracy 14 5. Strategic Overview 15 6. Legislative and Other Mandates 17 7. Organisational Structure 18 8. Our Business Model and Capitals 20 1. Report of the Agsa: Predetermined Objectives 25 2. Overview 25 3. Situational Analysis 25 4. Operational Highlights 28 5. Operational Challenges 28 6. Operational Outlook 29 7. Information and Communication Technologies (Icts) 29 8. Strategic Plan Overview and Reporting 30 9. Performance Report 31 10. Linking Performance with Budgets 42 1. Introduction 44 2. Portfolio Committees 44 3. Executive Authority 44 4. Interfront Board 45 5. Board Committees 48 6. Remuneration of Board Members 50 7. Risk Management 50 8. Internal Control Unit 51 9. Ethics 54 10. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues 55 11. Company Secretary 55 12. Social Responsibility 56 13. Audit Committee Report 56 14. B-BBEE Compliance Performance Information 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 43 PART C GOVERNANCE PART B PERFORMANCE REPORT 24 PART A GENERAL INFORMATION
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