Interfront Annual Report 2022
PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 41 9. PERFORMANCE REPORT (CONT.) Performance Indicator: Establish and support effective governance Interfront prides itself in being an ethical company and as such, has set a target of a clean audit opinion since the 2019/2020 financial year. A clean audit opinion entails that in addition to an unqualified audit opinion on the Annual Financial Statements, no material findings are reported on performance objectives, compliance with legislation, or internal control deficiencies. Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Achievement 2019/2020 Audited Actual Achievement 2020/2021 Planned Target 2021/2022 Actual Achievement 2021/2022 ACHIEVED Deviation from Planned Target to Actual Achievement Reason for Deviations Establish and support effective governance Clean audit report Report from the AGSA Achieved Unqualified and clean audit opinion for the 2018/2019 financial year Achieved Unqualified and clean audit opinion for the 2019/2020 financial year Clean audit report for 2020/2021 financial year Clean audit opinion for the 2020/2021 financial year N/A N/A The 2020/2021 financial year sees the eleventh consecutive unqualified audit report on the Annual Financial Statements. We have also achieved five consecutive years in which Interfront has received a clean audit opinion, with ten years in total. The report from the AGSA for the 2021/2022 financial year is included in Part E: Financial Information.
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