Interfront Annual Report 2022

40 PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 9. PERFORMANCE REPORT (CONT.) Performance Indicator: Maintain and grow a Centre of Excellence The Interfront Graduate Internship Programme is offered to students who have successfully completed a course of study or training in the IT sphere. Interfront firstly appoints individuals from its own bursary scheme and should the programme have additional openings, other high achievers are considered. This creates a pipeline of young employees and provides Interfront with an opportunity to develop and mould them according to Interfront’s specific needs. The target varies annually, as set out in Interfront’s Annual Performance Plan. Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Achievement 2019/2020 Audited Actual Achievement 2020/2021 Planned Target 2021/2022 Actual Achievement 2021/2022 ACHIEVED Deviation from Planned Target to Actual Achievement Reason for Deviations Maintain and grow a Centre of Excellence Successful appointment of graduates Contracts concluded Achieved Five graduates Achieved Five graduates Five graduates Five graduates N/A N/A More information on our Graduate Internship Programme can be found in Part D: Human Capital Management.