Interfront Annual Report 2022
PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 39 9. PERFORMANCE REPORT (CONT.) Performance Indicator: Maintain and develop a skilled, diverse and engaged workforce Interfront’s objective for the year under review was to maintain a staff complement of 110 employees. Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Achievement 2019/2020 Audited Actual Achievement 2020/2021 Planned Target 2021/2022 Actual Achievement 2021/2022 PARTIALLY ACHIEVED Deviation from Planned Target to Actual Achievement Reason for Deviations Maintain and develop a skilled, diverse and engaged workforce Expand and/ or maintain the staff complement. Successful appointment and on- boarding Successful appointment and on- boarding. Record of appointment and resignations, as provided and verified by Interfront’s Human Resources Department Achieved 115 Partially Achieved 104 Maintain staff complement at a minimum of 110 102 -8 Due to a shortage of skills in the IT market, it has become increasingly difficult to recruit and replace high-calibre staff For more information pertaining to our Human Capital, refer to Part D: Human Capital Management. As indicated above, a high number of employees resigned and the staff turnover figure was higher than our target of less than 14%. This together resulted in a partially achieved result for the target of maintaining a staff complement of 110.
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