Interfront Annual Report 2022

36 PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 9. PERFORMANCE REPORT (CONT.) Performance Indicator: Provide effective software support services to SARS Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Achievement 2019/2020 Audited Actual Achievement 2020/2021 Planned Target 2021/2022 Actual Achievement 2021/2022 ACHIEVED Deviation from Planned Target to Actual Achievement Reason for Deviations Provide effective software support services to SARS Annually meet SARS service levels as per the Support Agreement Service levels are measured against agreed contractual levels and the results are reported to SARS in a monthly SLA Report Achieved SLA Reports show that service levels were met Achieved SLA Reports show that service levels were met Meet service levels SLA Reports show that service levels were met N/A N/A As part of this service, Interfront continues to develop minor enhancements for the iCBS system. A dedicated support team manages the support requests and ensures that the measured service levels are maintained. Relationships are nurtured and maintained through regular communication, including face-to-face visits on the operational and executive levels. Deployment of new versions of the system into production continues under active monitoring by the Interfront support team and technical leads. The support services are measured monthly against agreed contractual service levels (SLA) and reported back to SARS on a monthly basis. Interfront operational support has continuously met the SLA targets up to March 2022. During the 2021/2022 financial year, Interfront operational support has handled a total of 1 438 incidents, of which 1 237 were for production support, and 172 were project-related support incidents.