Interfront Annual Report 2022
PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 31 from the 2019/2020 financial, after being revised down from 120 in the 2018/2019 financial year due to severe budget constraints as a result of pressure on the fiscus. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved only once, not achieved on two occasions, and partially achieved on two occasions since the 2017/2018 financial year. Performance Indicator 2.3: Maintain and grow a Centre of Excellence Interfront established a graduate internship programme, which is offered to students who have successfully completed a course of study or training in the IT sphere. Interfront firstly appoints individuals from its own bursary scheme and if the programme has additional openings, other high achievers are considered. The target was set to recruit 30 graduates from the 2017/2018 to 2022/2023 financial year. The target has been exceeded in the 2021/2022 financial year with 52 candidates joining Interfront’s graduate programme since the 2017/2018 financial year. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. Performance Indicator 2.4: Establish and support effective governance In line with Interfront’s and our Shareholder’s commitment to maintain and promote good governance, thismeasure seeks tomonitor Interfront’s compliance with all statutory requirements. The annual target is to achieve a clean audit opinion. A clean audit opinion entails that in addition to an unqualified audit opinion on the Annual Financial Statements, there were no material findings reported on performance objectives, compliance with legislation, or internal controls deficiencies. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. 8. STRATEGIC PLAN OVERVIEW AND REPORTING (CONT.) 9. PERFORMANCE REPORT The Interfront Board approved the publication of Interfront’s performance results, via round robin on 31 July 2022. Strategic Outcome-Orientated Goal 1: Quality Software Development and Support Interfront maintains a strong IT development capacity to build new systems and a support capacity for those already in production. IT development capacity is maintained in the form of Intellectual and Human Capital. When necessary, contracted resources (Key Partners) augment this capacity to meet peak delivery times. Performance Indicator: Develop iCBS to support SARS NCAP As part of the NCAP, Interfront, as a key development partner, is assisting in expanding and modifying the existing iCBS product deployed in SARS. The programme is divided into phases and each of these phases is associated with a software development project in Interfront. Projects are delivered in slices of functionality known as ‘sprints’. Project delivery is based on the SARS approved NCAP Business Plan. The output is annually set out in Interfront’s Annual Performance Plan.
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