Interfront Annual Report 2022
30 PART B: PERFORMANCE REPORT 8. STRATEGIC PLAN OVERVIEW AND REPORTING • Strategic Outcome-Orientated Goal 1: Quality Software Development and Support Providing strong IT development capacity as the preferred supplier to SARS and augmenting this with contracted resources where necessary to meet peak delivery times. Providing ongoing maintenance and support. As further systems are delivered, the support capacity will need to increase proportionally. Performance Indicator 1.1: Develop iCBS to support SARS NCAP The New Customs Act Programme (NCAP) needs to be delivered in accordance with specified timelines determined by SARS. The timelines are stretched over a number of years, and Interfront must meet them as set by SARS. The new Customs Act and operational projects are implemented in phases. Each of these phases are associated with a software development project in Interfront. These projects are delivered in ‘slices’ of functionality, called releases, which are demonstrated to SARS for acceptance before delivery. The Interfront Customs and Border Management Solution (iCBS) product in SARS will be expanded and modified to meet the objectives of the Customs Act and operational projects, as defined by SARS. The outcome of the strategic goal is dependent on the approved SARS Business Plan and approved Work Orders for operational projects, which are then recorded in the Annual Performance Plan for the year. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved on four occasions and once partially achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. Performance Indicator 1.2: Provide effective software support services to SARS and ADA Both clients operate national customs systems on a permanent basis (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year). The Interfront software is a key component in each of these systems. The support level provided by Interfront is crucial to the effective operation of the customs systems. Support Agreements have been established with both clients and expected interactions and service levels are detailed in these agreements. SARS: Service levels are measured against agreed contractual levels and results are reported in a monthly SLA report. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. ADA: The annual target changed since the 2019/2020 financial year from achieving four out of five points on a satisfaction level scale of the client survey to release reports instead. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved on three occasions and partially achieved on two occasions since the 2017/2018 financial year. • Strategic Outcome-Orientated Goal 2: Maintain a Software Development Centre of Excellence. Grow Interfront as a Centre of Excellence to develop IT skills and contribute to empowerment within SARS and the wider public sector. The number of candidates selected annually will increase as project growth allows. Performance Indicator 2.1: Retention of management team and staff The management and retention of Interfront’s Human Capital are crucial to the success of the company. In implementing its strategy, Interfront recognises that there are various risks associated with its business and key among them is the loss of critical staff. The staff turnover target was set to be equal to or less than 14% for the last five years. The Annual Performance Plan target has been achieved on two occasions, not achieved on two occasions, and once partially achieved since the 2017/2018 financial year. Performance Indicator 2.2: Maintain and develop a skilled, diverse and engaged workforce To meet customer demands and achieve its strategic goals, Interfront needs to maintain its human resources at a minimum level. The target has been set to maintain a minimum of 110 staff members
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